Riddlesden, Leach Way
Pair of Tree Sparrows on bird table today 0915
"first I've seen in this area in 9 yrs"
Silsden - Swallow
brief view of a male Merlin at Whetstone Gate,
also a male Wheatear and a pair of Stonechat
St Ives
Buzzard flew up the Aire valley, also lots of Chiffchaffs singing
Pair of Tree Sparrows on bird table today 0915
"first I've seen in this area in 9 yrs"
Silsden - Swallow
brief view of a male Merlin at Whetstone Gate,
also a male Wheatear and a pair of Stonechat
St Ives
Buzzard flew up the Aire valley, also lots of Chiffchaffs singing
Male Wheatear at Trough Lane
Members Only Res, 4 Cormorant, 2 Goldeneye, 13 Goosander

Fly Flatts Res - 4 Teal (photo B Vickers)
Members Only Res, 4 Cormorant, 2 Goldeneye, 13 Goosander

Fly Flatts Res - 4 Teal (photo B Vickers)
Bingley, R.Aire - 2 Goosander, Chiffchaff
East Riddlesden Hall - female Brambling
Shipley Glen
pair of Grey Wagtails,two pairs of Mallards and a pair of Moorhens
have established territory on the small lake. Chiffchaff in full song
and three Robins were seen fighting. Nuthatch called from three
pair of Grey Wagtails,two pairs of Mallards and a pair of Moorhens
have established territory on the small lake. Chiffchaff in full song
and three Robins were seen fighting. Nuthatch called from three
locations and a Treecreeper was noted. Three pairs of Jays were
in full cry, two GSW were heard and three Redwing were feeding.
J Brownbridge, M Taunton, I Hargreaves, B Vickers, P King, H Doveston, P Cunningham