20th September 2007

Paul Clough
Buzzard 1 perched on a hawthorn bush bottom of the clough
mobbed by Magpies it was still around when we left at 1015.
Sparrowhawk 1, Ring Ouzel 2, Siskin 100+, Redpoll 6,
Reed Bunting 2, Chaffinch 150+,Mistlethrush 30+,Goldfinch 12,
Bullfinch 12,Blackbird 10.
Small numbers of Swallows and Meadow Pipits moving
House Martins still feeding at the bottom of the clough.

adult Yellow-legged Gull flying up the Wharfe, Cavendish bridge

Members Only Res
Swallows - c85, Mipits - 42, Common Scoter - adult male on res.
Tufted Duck - 2 on res

B Vickers, A Josephs, H Creber